Garcia News

2017/18 School Supply List

We're getting ready for another great year at Gus Garcia YMLA - welcome back for 2017/18!  Our first day of classes will be August 21. Students will need to return to school equipped with the following items:

Garcia YMLA school supply list

For the 2016-17 academic year, every student will need the following items:

Principal McGruder honored by Boy Scouts

A special congratulations to Garcia YMLA principal, Sterlin McGruder, for being honored with the Whitney Young Award by Boys Scouts of America. The award was given to Mr. McGruder for his work within the community.

Congratulations to Garcia YMLA's PTSA

We want to congratulate the Garcia YMLA's PTA for earning the President's List Award from the Texas Parent Teacher Association! Thanks to our PTA president, Tihira House and all the PTA board for helping to recruit and engage our YMLA parents and supporting our young men.

Congratulations to Garcia YMLA faculty

Congratulations to Brittany Rosado, 7th grade Math, being named as Teacher of the Month, and James Brewster, 8th grade Social Studies, named as Teacher of the Year!

February Book Fair update

Gus Garcia YMLA would like to thank everyone who participated in our February 8 book fair. Our school raised more than $1,900 during the evening!

Black History Month Celebration Speaker

Gus Garcia YMLA welcomes the Honorable Rev. Jeffrey Richard, on Friday, February 26, to speak to our young men during our month-long Black History Celebration. Serving on the Austin Community College District Board of Trustees, the Rev.