Dress Code

Gus Garcia YMLA Uniform.pdf (updated 8/1/24)

Dressing for Success at School

Our standards of dress and appearance reflect the idea that school is a place of learning, not a place of recreation. All school rules, including dress code expectations apply to after-school, field trips and evening activities. Dress, appearance and hygiene should contribute to a positive and non-disruptive atmosphere; an atmosphere that is conductive to learning and achievement of all students in school. 

Students will not be allowed to wear any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol or any other attributes which implies membership or affiliation with a gang or sexual content.

Students out of compliance with the dress code will be asked to call home for a change of clothing. If a change of clothing is not available, students will spend the remainder of the day in ISS. Repeated dress code violations will result in further disciplinary action. 

Campus Administration has FINAL discretion in determining the appropriateness of dress.

Any attire that is deemed inappropriate or a distraction of the learning environment by the school administration is prohibited.